Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Spread the Joy

 The Christmas spirit
enfolds me
something I can smell
touch and feel

I want to spread happiness
Share the love
Feel benevolent

I hum carols
whilst I work
Smile at strangers
Drop coins at buskers feet

I feel the joy of the season
Perform little kindnesses

Think about those I loved
long gone
Remembrance of times past
and thoughts of future

Sending gifts
to show I care
this midwinter ritual
this festival
that holds a special magic

to each and everyone
I try to spread the joy

written for poetry jam #spread the joy

Wednesday, 10 December 2014


open field
In a world that roars
demands attention
be still
block out the clamour
inwardly wander
to a place of stillness
where serenity lives
seek solitude
a forest glade
a mountain pool
a hilltop high
travel in your mind
to find peace
listen to the silence
it speaks

Written for Poetry Jam #Quiet

Monday, 8 December 2014

Too Late

photo by Elene Usdin

Death has found me

the blood seeps
from my murderous wounds
 my essence
drains away
till nothing remains

A life cut short

Too late
for goodbyes
Too late
for I love you
Too late
for I'm sorry

Too late
for anything



Written for Magpie Tales #Mag249